Maker Camp (A): May 27th – May 30th from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm:
This camp remains at the museum and has the children learn skills like sewing, hammering nails, painting, using power tools safely, etc. while building their own wooden house. We hope this camp will encourage children to use their imagination while they learn skills they may not encounter in a typical classroom. A camp for children entering 3rd – 5th grade in the fall. The camp is every day from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm (no camp on Monday) and costs $50 per child (scholarships available upon request). For more information, please call (936) 632-9535.
I would like to sign up my child, Fischer Holt, for this Maker Camp today. You may contact me at 936-635-9451 or email me the application at
Thank you,
Michelle Holt