
The Texas Forestry Museum offers these tours and activities for groups visiting the Museum. Activities are also offered about a specific topic upon request. The Texas Forestry Museum is very flexible with times and group size. Each item listed takes 15 – 20 minutes to complete. Mix & Match to create your perfect museum adventure!

To schedule a tour call the Education Coordinator, Kaitlin Wieseman at (936) 633-6069.

Exploring Trees Students learn about tree rings and what they can tell us. They also play a game to learn about what a tree needs to live, grow, and be healthy. 2nd – 12th
Forestry Professions A staff member leads the students through a card search game. During the game, students learn about forestry professions, the skills needed for those professions, and the people who work in those positions. 3rd – 12th
Wildlife Bingo! Students play bingo while learning fun facts about Texas animals. All grades
Water Cycle Game Students travel through the water cycle as water molecules in this game. They learn the various steps of the water cycle and the various paths water can take. 2nd – 12th